Amazon Fire 7 ($49.99) 8GB/16GB Models Case & Kindle Oasis Sleep Awake Ultra Light & Slim Hardshell Case


Our classific folio case with hand straps serve your need for an affordable yet durable companion to your Amazon Fire 7 tablet.


Hand strap design help you read and hold the Fire 7 tablet securely.


Built MicroSD pouch help you store the tiny little MicroSD card, so no worry about losing the SD card.


Bonus Silver Color Stylus Pen for you to write as regular ball pen and touch the screen with the soft black rubber tip.


We also offer the ultra light and thinnest folio case for Amazon Oasis e Reader


Built in magnet for Sleep Awake Function, it is the perfect companion to your Amazon Kindle Oasis eReader!


Take a look at our image gallery to view the 6 brillant colors cases we currently have available now for purchase.

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